Sunday, November 25, 2012

Exploring Heat Transfer

Setting up the activity for this week’s application required various techniques in order to obtain reliable data. The activity’s procedure is to obtain 4 mugs and pour hot water into each one, then select various materials to cover the mugs and after thirty minutes check the temperature and see which material makes the best insulator. The first step was to achieve the following constants (variable
s): 1) 4 identical mugs made out of glass, 2) mark each mug at the same measurement as to have the same amount of hot water poured in each mug, and 3) maintain the temperature of the hot water in all 4 mugs at the same degree before covering with the selected materials. I had to obtain a more reliable thermometer than the one provided in the science kit. Finally, I selected the 4 materials I would use to cover each mug: aluminum foil, ceramic, glass, and plastic.

First inquiry question would be: what material will make the best insulator? After adding the hot water into the 4 mugs, I quickly covered each mug with on of the selected materials and waited thirty minutes to read the temperature of the water. My hypothesis based on prior knowledge would be that the aluminum foil would maintain the heat better than the others. I personally use stainless steel mugs to carry my hot coffee on my way to work. I relate the stainless steel mug to the aluminum foil cover I will put around one of the mugs. I believe as stainless steel makes excellent insulators, aluminum will also do the same being a metal.

After thirty minutes, the temperature of the hot water was higher in the mug covered with aluminum foil, then followed the mug with the hard plastic cover, then the one with the glass cover, and finally the one with the least heat retention was the mug with the ceramic cover. Aluminum foil proved to be the best insulator as expected
When aluminum foil was rapped around the mug, pockets of air were trapped. It is proven that trapped air acts as an insulator against conduction and convection (Tillery, Enger, & Ross, 2008). This is one reason it was a good insulator, but the main reason is that aluminum reduces heat transfer produced by radiation and reflects the radiation back into the hot water. Thermal radiation is reflected rather than absorbed. Remembering always that aluminum foil is also a heat energy conductor. This could set the stage for inquiry questions like the following: if all the covered mugs had air trapped in them, why was the aluminum foil the best insulator? or what properties of the aluminum foil help it be the best insulator among these selected materials?
Tillery, B. W., Enger, E. D., & Ross, F. C. (2008). Integrated science (4th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Electromagnetism: Planning a Guided Inquiry

With the science kit provided I will be able to construct several electromagnetic models, which should produce electric and magnetic fields by applying electricity though a conductor. I will use the following materials: 1) 2 different sizes of common nails, 2) 2 different gauges of magnetic wire, 3) one battery C and one D, and 4) a few dozens of paper clips. The designing process can go hand in hand with the engineering standards for STEM implementation. Students will design the electromagnet from the given materials and make inferences about what would happen if the independent variables were to be changed. I have learned through experience that I should always do the experiment first before involving my students. I will use 2 of the 4 nails provided (iron 10-D and 20-D common nails). And with each trial I will use two different sources to provide the electric currents (C and D batteries). This would demonstrate what would happen if the electric current is increase with the same setup.

I proceeded to work first with the 20-D nail. I wrapped the copper wire around the nail 10 times. The coil formed was tight around the nail. I connected both lose ends to a C-battery and proceeded to check its electromagnetism by applying the tip of the nail to paper clips. Paper clips were attracted. I was able to pick up from 2-3 clips. Then I switch to the D-battery and applied it again over several paper clips, this time I was able to lift greater than 4 paper clips. This demonstrated that increasing the voltage would increase the magnetic field of the nail.

Then I wrapped the same nail twenty times with the copper wire. I connected the ends of the copper wire to the C-battery and applied the tip of the nail to the paper clips. I was able to lift 5 to 6 clips. When I switched to the D-battery the difference was very notable, over 7 clips. These observations supports the following conclusions: 1) magnetic field increases with increase voltage or electricity, 2) increasing the amount of lopes and creating a larger coil will also increase magnetic fields, and 3) the tighter the coil formed by the copper wire around the nail, the greater the magnetic field. Increasing the numbers of loops forms a cylindrical coil known as solenoid. When electrical current is passed through the solenoid, a magnetic field is formed. Its is a known fact that increasing the numbers of loops and the electric current will increase the strength of the magnetic field (Tillery, Enger, & Ross, 2008).

This is a very exciting and engaging activity for students to be able to relate electromagnetism with the different possible variables that can make the magnetic field stronger. In 1821, Michael Faraday set up a similar experiment to the one I will give as task (mini-lab) to my students when presenting the lessons on electricity and magnetism. Faraday did many different similar experiments that can be repeated easily in a lab (Bradley, 1991).

Focus questions like the following can be used to conduct this guided – inquiry lesson: 1) what effects does larger nails have on this experiment? 2) what effects on the created magnetic field would increasing the thickness of the copper wire have? This activity conducted as a guided inquiry can be very interesting and rewarding for my students. Students will engage in a set of activities that will generate data and provide them with information (Hammerman, 2006).
Bradley, J. (1991). Repeating the electromagnetic experiments of Michael Faraday. Physic
Education, 26, 284-289. Retrieved from's_experiments.pdf
Hammerman, E. L. (2006). Becoming a better science teacher: 8 steps to high quality
instruction and student achievement. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Tillery, B. W., Enger, E. D., & Ross, F. C. (2008). Integrated science (4th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

How does the steepness of a slope and the mass affect a collision outcome?

I did the activity first before I actually do it in class. I have designed this as a guided inquiry activity. Providing my students with a step-by-step explanation, they will explore the concept of the model being used and compare it with real size models (Laureate Education, Inc., 2011).

The first step is to set up a straight-line track that can be flexible as to increase the gradient (slope). As the steepness of the slope increases, so does the gradient. To produce this track I used a piece of cardboard approximately 4 feet long. At this step, students will have to design their track using several provided materials. Students should interact with their group and brainstorm on how to obtain the best possible track to complete this activity. Also, this can be aligned with the engineering design process in which students will select the most promising idea and then create it (Teach Engineering, 2012).
Once the teams produce all the different tracks, the weight of the vehicle should be obtained. I would provide a set of 2 different rocks per team with known weights. Students will incorporate several different gradients for their slopes. For each gradient (at least two should be selected), students will release the vehicle 3 different times: 1) the vehicle without any additional weight, 2) the vehicle with one rock in it, and 3) the vehicle with both rocks. They should record all data and make their conclusions on the effects of steepness and mass on momentum and velocity.
My collected data and observations indicate that the momentum and velocity of the vehicle within the same slope gradient increases with added weight. As the gradient of the slope (steepness) increases, so does the momentum and velocity in comparison with lower steepness and same weight. Greater momentum will definitely increase the impact force on collision with an object or in real life with another vehicle. The length of the contact time during collision will determine the force of impact and the degree of damages or injuries.

When conducting this activity with my class, along with guidance and explanation I will constantly ask them questions and make sure they are engaged in an authentic problem solving process. As a facilitator I should be listening to their interpretations and help them correct any misleading information. I should also design questions that will help them connect this activity to real live experiences (Hammerman, 2006).
Hammerman, E. L. (2006). Becoming a better science teacher: 8 steps to high quality instruction and student achievement. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications
Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2011). Guided inquiry: classroom demonstration [Video webcast]. Retrieved from
Teach Engineering. (2012). Engineering design process. Retrieved from

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Student assessment work sheets for Latitude and Longitude lesson plan are available at this link:,de4n8vahp670aqs

The individual task consists of completing a work sheet I downloaded onto each laptop.  This will be the first time I try this approach.  I will assure you my administration will enjoy my paperless approach.  Students are instructed to complete directly onto the Word Perfect format work sheet.  It sets the lead for the group task.  Work sheets consist of prior knowledge on latitude and longitude coordinates covered during the week.  The first challenged started here.  All students were able to open the file, but several had difficulties answering on the designated area on the template.  They did not have the Word Perfect knowledge and hesitated when they put answers and the areas became altered on the work sheet.  I was able to assist these students and after reassuring them they proceeded with no other delays.  After completion, they were able to upload it onto the school’s assignment drop box on our website.  Completed work sheets from 2 students are linked to this post.

Reflecting on the first part of the lesson, I believed it went well.  I will continue implementing doing task from uploaded files and then have them upload to the drop box.  I will make this a weekly goal to have students upload assignments and class work onto the drop box.  The individual work part of this lesson is simply a recall and prior latitude and longitude knowledge.  Two focus questions needed to be answered on the work sheet.  Understanding the diversity among my ELLs, I provided the file in English and in Spanish.  

Monday, October 1, 2012


Use of technology:  Digital pictures can be taken along the experiment to document the steps and the observations reported:

Bowl with water was checked to find the best leveled area on the counter.  This is to check that we will be able to have an even level of water in the bowl.

Next, fused ice (representing iceberg) was added to the bowl.  Then water was added until the level of water reached the edge of the bowl.

Bowl was observed as the fused ice melted away.  The bottom plate underneath the bowl was maintained dry to be able to document any overflow of water from the bowl.

As the fused ice melted, the water level stayed the same.  No overflow of water was observed.

The bottom plate in which the bowl was set stayed dried. 
When the fused ice was completely melted, the bottom plate in which the bowl was placed remained dry.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Melting Icebergs: Science Inquiry

The presented melting iceberg experiment is a great activity to present students with an inquiry of the effects of such events.  This task is structured and contains the necessary guidance as to permit students construct and formulate their own questions as to understand the reality and seriousness of this melting of icebergs and polar ice caps. 

The experiment demonstrates that as the floating ice melts the volume of water increases.  What would happen if the polar ice caps melted?  There will be a combination of events: 1) rising of sea levels, 2) accelerate global warming, 3) changes ecosystems, 4) threatens human culture and economics, and 5) increases seawater freshwater contamination, which can affect coastal erosion.  All these in one way or the other are interconnected.

One of the most talked about concerns is that of the rising of the sea levels.  It has been documented that the melting itself of icebergs doesn’t affect sea levels.  On the other end, the melting of the polar ice caps will because as the ice melts, the temperature of the seawater increases.  It is important to mention that the polar ice caps help reflect sunlight back into the atmosphere, if the ice is melted the sunlight will be absorbed by the ocean thus increasing its temperature, which will cause the water to expand and rise.  This rising of the temperature will accelerate global warming.

Global warming has been a topic of national and global importance among communities of scientists and political officials.  This itself can bring other questions (inquires) from this activity:
  1. How does global warming affect the polar ice caps?
  2. Have governmental agencies develop a realistic plan to slow down global warming?  * in the last 100 years global warming has increase ½ degree.
  3. Currently, are the 2 mayor polar ice caps in danger (Artic & Antarctica)?
  4. How will it directly affect populations of humans and other species?
All these questions can have its instructional value during this task.  The great part of these types of activities is that it invites students to formulate their own inquiries and look for the answers.  Definitely, this is a good inquiry based instruction sample in which active learning is in place.  Students will engage in the activity by formulating questions and collecting data, which they will use to present and reflect.  Students will conduct the experiment and apply their learning to their lives, society, and technology (Hammerman, 2006).


Hammerman, E. L. (2006). Becoming a better science teacher: 8 steps to high quality instruction and student achievement. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Personal Reflection on STEM designed Lesson Plan

Personal Reflection on STEM designed Lesson Plan

From the POEM lesson plan format I have been using during the past years to the one presented during this weeks resources, I can see some common trends and at the same time an entire new outlook on science reforms, student engagement, and differentiated instruction.  I have created a lesson plan that integrates STEM strategies through the use of integrating technology (science and technology go hand in hand) and providing a real life scenario (simulation) that definitely will lead to increase science literacy among my ELL students.
We know that just learning facts and concepts is not sufficient anymore for our students.  I designed a lesson plan based on a context scenario (simulated) in which students can have on-hands activity, and at the same time they can learn how to apply evidence and observation.  Using the 5 E’s Strategy developed by the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study group, I was able to mold my lesson plan based on problem solving and scientific designing. 
To engage the students, they were presented with a context scenario in which they could envision themselves participating in.  Not that it was completely a realistic everyday situation, but one I understood they can get excited about.  At the same time, become ‘active characters’ in the case scenario.  I believe that as teachers we should have strategies that can be used to increase student engagement and interests on science topics, but at the same time we should also dare to be creative.
During the lesson, students have the opportunity to explore (exploration) and feel challenged.  With the use of technology (laptops & Internet), students then can collect and investigate data.  As they collect their data based on observation and hands-on activity, they can start formulating an explanation for their task.  During the lesson plan students have to integrate with their group and share data.  Then they will have the opportunity to share out with the rest of the class.  As they share out, they can make the connections with real life events.
Still, I believe the differentiation I set upon the lesson plan may have its flaws with respect to providing other that linguistic diversity.  I believe to have provided an instructional reality for the different linguistic challenges of my bilingual students.  Having a wide range of different English and Spanish speakers, at one end those that understand English and at the other end those that can’t neither read nor understand any English.  Having this wide range is really a challenge.  During the designing of the curriculum and instruction, it calls for the instructional strategies that are effective.  To make things accommodating, I provide all handouts and performance task explanation in both language.  The websites I provide for the lesson are English only.  Understanding this, I include during the designing of the lesson plan the opportunity to intervene and provide my non-English speaking students the necessary time and support to complete their task.  As their teacher I should have an additive practice of valuing their diversity, and not trying to change it Laureate Education, Inc. 2011).  Also, always keeping high expectations for each one of them.


Laureate Education, Inc. (2011). (Producer). ELLs in today’s schools. [Video web cast]. Retrieved July 11. 2012 from

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Just want to say hello to all my classmates / colleagues at Walden University.  Excited about the beginning of course Science 6660.